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Filter By What Others Are Looking For In Search

On Jan 29, 2022 we added new filter criteria to our Advanced Search page - the ability to filter results on what others are looking for. Thank you, HereWe2Are, for this suggestion!

Now, logged-in users can conduct an Advanced Search and have the option to only see results where the other person is specifically looking for someone of their gender, age, height, or income. Filters on height and income are shown only if these values are non-private in your profiie.

We currently have these 4 criteria, but please tell us if you would like other criteria added here.


Once you run your search, bookmark the search results page in your browser to easily return and see who's new! This is the fastest way to re-run one or multiple searches.

How Can I Take Advantage Of This New Search Feature?

To include what others are looking for as part of your search, you must first be registered and logged in to the site. Then navigate to the Advanced Search page and scroll to the bottom.

You will now see this new "What They're Looking For" section at the bottom of the page:

what they're looking for

To keep the default search behavior consistent, we have defaulted these to "any" (meaning do not filter) but you can change one or more of them to "my" (meaning only profiles specifically looking for your gender, age, height, or income will be shown).

To adjust your search, return to the Advanced Search page page. Your last criteria will be displayed to you and you can adjust it as necessary.

How Can I Send You Feedback On This Functionality?

Please use this email address to give us feedback on this new functionality or anything else about the dharmaMatch experience that you would like to see changed. Please include your member screen name in your message to us if you are experiencing difficulty with the site so we can lookup your record and see what's happening. While we cannot guarantee it will happen every time, many of the suggestions from our members do end up becoming features/changes on the site. We want to hear from you!

The dharmaMatch Product Team

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